cleaning old brass door hardware - » HowTo – Restoring Antique Brass Fixtures And.
Aug 18, 2011. and then we removed the doorknob and the rusty old door knocker on .. brass plating from a lamp once by using Easy Off oven cleaner and a .
Remove all brass hardware from the door with a screwdriver. 2. Fill an old crock- pot with water. Stir a heaping spoonful of either T.S.P. or super washing soda .
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Seroj Terian on restoring discolored door locks -
Jun 11, 2013. Our front door hardware looked horrible so my husband and I went to the hardware. I've been working on restoring an antique brass lamp.
Clean the brass hardware thoroughly with soap and water, solvents, polish and a compound. Antique glass doorknobs offer whimsey and beauty to any door.
Put them in a pan of ketchup, just enough to cover the handles. Bring to boil. I was part of a crew that cleaned old brass fittings in a historic church. We used .
cleaning old brass door hardware
Foundry: Was All-brass Door Hardware Produced? [Archive] - The.
Jun 27, 2011. Cleaned Antique Door Hardware. comes to removing paint from brass, copper and bronze hardware simply because paint formulations have .
Use an Ultrasonic Cleaner to Restore Brass, Bronze and Copper.
Brass Hardware Blog » » Keep Your Exterior Door Hardware Like New.
How to clean brass naturally | MNN - Mother Nature Network.
Jan 26, 2013. Is there anything I can do to restore the brass-colored finish? Many old door locks were made of solid brass, and even though they would .
Door Set Parts - House of Antique Hardware.
cleaning old brass door hardware
Antique Door Knobs and Handles | eBay.